About Ben Streeck

For those who don't know me

  • male
  • 28 years old
  • extremly good looking ;-)
  • ex-medical student (hire me!)

Hi! Since you are reading this the probability that you know me personally is quite high, nobody else would take the time to read this...

I spent most of my childhood in Berlin (Germany). None the less, during a one-year stay in Florence (Italy) my parents made sure to teach me to appreciate good Italian food. At the age of nine my Family moved to Madison, Wisconsin until at the age of 16 we moved back to Germany, this time to Brühl. Here I graduated from school and after one year of civilian-service I moved to Giessen to study Medicine at the Justus-Liebig-University. A short while ago, I started working as physician at the Kreiskrankenhaus Schorndorf.


Since recently I have made several pictures of me and my surroundings (but, which have nothing at all to do with the photography section) available here. Possibly someone may enjoy browsing them.

And I may allow myself to call to your attention the traval-diary North America 2002.

World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation:
No description needed.
United Nations fight against AIDS/HIV
The UN fight against AIDS:
now more than ever!
Netz gegen Kinderporno
Network against Child-Poronography
Pretty Good Privacy
Pretty Good Privacy